
the american analog set

the american analog set
the fun of watching fireworks
released in 1996

from our living room to yours
released in 1997

the golden band
released in 1999 

know by heart
released in 2001

promise of love
released in 2003

so this band is from my hometown, but they moved to austin in 1996, pretty soon after they formed. i didn't discover them until i moved to austin as well. i came across know by heart at waterloo records, and loved the album cover enough to buy it without hearing it. there was most likely also a helpful note about the album that probably mentioned the presence of ben gibbard on one of the songs, and i was getting into death cab for cutie at the time. oddly enough i've always thought that the song with ben gibbard was the weakest track on the album.

i eventually tracked down their earlier albums, as well as their 2003 release, but know by heart has always been my favorite. their first four albums are absolutely solid, though. they put out one last album in 2005 before breaking up. the singer, andrew kenny, has since gone on to form the wooden birds. not sure what the rest of the people in this band are doing now.

i definitely learned to appreciate slow, quiet music because of this band.

i already shared one song with you in this blog's first post, but i'll give you two more now. both are from know by heart, because it's just that good.

american analog set - punk as fuck

so leave me to die in the comfort
of my own home
of my own home
of my own

american analog set - aaron & maria

we're living off some modest trust
from daddy 'fore his oil went bust
and loving you is just enough
'cause no one gives a fuck about us

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